Saturday, September 19, 2015

Rules You Must Know To Live & Survive In Lagos

Lagos as we all know is the center of excellence , where most Nigerians believe is where all the cash is . Funny right!. You might have have heard various stoties about those who live in Lagos.
                         Rules You Must Know To Live & Survive In Lagos-Evateseblog (1)
The most common adjective used to describe Lagos is Chaotic, Overcrowded , Traffic, Noisy etc. but just like everywhere else in the world, there will always be the good, the bad and the ugly.
So for those of you moving to Lagos either from other parts of the country or from another part of the world, Check out these few Rules you must know To Live and survive In Lagos.

Don’t Be Careless of Your Safety.

Due to the constant kidnappings , robbery and even accidents that occur daily in the metropolis, please inform someone of your whereabouts before you go out

Do not show off too much.

Yes you have the money but try and be a little casual .This rules most applies mostly to when you are in public places.
  Don'tcount huge amount of money in public. Just minimize constant show of wealth.This little ti can save you from a whole lot of trouble.

Patience is Necessary

One major thing Lagosians lack is PATIENCE!!!!. Everyone is rushing to the same destination and want to get there at the same time which i find annoying.

You have to be smart.

Yes i repeat, you have to be smart.Don’t be sloppy or move around like a wanderer, embrace the environment, don’t let it intimidate you.

Do not move about at odd hours

In Lagos ,most odd hours which is mainly night isn't so advisable. If you have to , then please be sure you are conversant with the area and also can prove your identity.

Try and be Polite

There are different kinds of individual who live in Lagos with various annoying characters. In all of that be polite to avoid any clash that is unnecessary. learn to say sorry if there is a little disagreement. Try as much as possible to stay out of arguments.

Be Humble

When i say humble i'm not only referring to character ,i am also referring to your appearance. If you want to be extra flashy and extravagant especially in your dressing then you have to take this caution.
Most times it is advisable to get a private hire or a taxi to move but if you are option for the Public buses , my dear reader then you really have to watch it . Like avoiding getting robbed or being a victim of pick pockets. If you have a car then that's fine but still you have to be careful.
Do not display unnecessary wealth when not necessary. Oh yes to have a mix of comfort and wanna take a public transport then why not take the BRT.

Public Transport Caution

When taking public transport in Lagos, there are a lot of things you must know. The official public buses are the yellow colored buses with black stripes. Also BRT buses are also an option . Also there are some private buses that are also used for public transport .
All the same be careful, do not take buses that are not registered , also you should be careful of taxis you take. It is highly advisable to wait for the registered vehicles. Do not be a victim of ritual killings and kidnappings.
So with these few rules and tips i have shared with you , i hope you enjoy LAGOS!!!.
If you stay in LAGOS ,Please share your experience with us .


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